I had a terrible slip of the tounge today, at lunch. GOD, THAT WAS #@!!*%!ING DUMB!!! Me, my mom, one of my cousins and grandma were siting at our table, when I said, as a joke: " Grandma never plays with us. She's like a talking wallet." 1,2,3,then:TALKING WALLET!!!??!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope grandma forgives me.
A lot of CRAZY stuff has happened to me on this trip! A few days a go, I found a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest. Grandma picked up the little guy, and put up a latter up to the nest tree. I had to hold the heavy, teetering latter, while Grandma held the struggling bird. Finally we got the bird in to the nest. Sadly, the next day the baby bird fell again and died.
That was just ONE crazy adventures. Check out my blog tomorrow for more of my crazy adventures!!!!!!!!!!
A evil spellweaver called Gala has stolen the sacred Jumatori jewl. Gala plans to use the jewl's power to destroy the town of Tamataz. The players must stop Gala before it is to late. Levals 15 to 17.